Poster sessions
May 2nd, 15:00-15:45
May 3rd, 15:00-16:00
Poster location: 1-24: room 108
25-36: corridor at room 108
37-69: room 123
70-83: room 100
Best poster competition (Sponsored by EPJ)
1st Prize: 400 Euro Springer book voucher
Istvan Papp (poster 55): Scaling in the space-time of the Internet
2nd Prize: 300 Euro Springer book voucher
Dominik Lips (poster 43): Driven Brownian motion of hard spheres in a one-dimensional periodic potential
3rd Prize: 200 Euro Springer book voucher
Arkadiusz Jędrzejewski (poster 83): Pair approximation for the q-voter model with independence on complex networks
We encourage participants to hang posters already at the beginning of the conference and to leave them on display throughout the whole conference.
Abstracts of the posters can be found in the Book of Abstracts. One can find the number of a poster in the head of the page where the poster is printed. Alternatively one can find it on the list below.
List of posters
Poster 1:
Dynamical response of the magnetic system to the time dependent magnetic field with white noise, Ümit Akıncı [et al.]
Poster 2:
Equivalence of two nonequilibrium ensembles based on maximum entropy principle, Mark Auslender
Poster 3:
Average excursion and bridge for the ABBM model, Andrea Baldassarri
Poster 4:
Fast estimation of density of states of frustrated spin systems, Lev Barash [et al.]
Poster 5:
Ultrafast spin initialization in electrostatic quantum dots, Stanisław Bednarek [et al.]
Poster 6:
Trapline foraging, Eslene Bikoumou [et al.]
Poster 7:
Jamming and attraction of interacting run-and-tumble random walkers, Richard Blythe [et al.]
Poster 8:
Dynamical transition in TASEP with Langmuir kinetics: mean-field theory, Davide Botto [et al.]
Poster 9:
Start-stop motion of opinion waves through embedded networks, James Burridge [et al.]
Poster 10:
Physical properties of magnetic clusters, Hassan Chamati [et al.]
Poster 11:
Coearsening in the long-range interacting Ising model, Henrik Christiansen [et al.]
Poster 12:
Obstructed diffusion on a 2D interface: the lattice gas model and experiments in biomembranes, Mislav Cvitković [et al.]
Poster 13:
Local spontaneous symmetry breaking in a colloidal monolayer: Kibble-Zurek mechanism for a Kosterlitz-Thouless ensemble, Sven Deutschlander [et al.]
Poster 14:
Collective modes of identical Kuramoto rotators in a ring-like topology, Károly Dénes [et al.]
Poster 15:
Is there a universal boundary between Tsallis' nonextensive physics and Boltzmann's formalism?, Ewa Drzazga [et al.]
Poster 16:
Critical behavior of two-dimensional models with Ising spins in the presence of long-range correlated disorder, Maxym Dudka
Poster 17:
Thin film growth of two-component mixtures: The interplay of phase diagrams and kinetics, Eelco Empting [et al.]
Poster 18:
Damped harmonic oscillator: towards the dissipative quantum problems, Katalin Gambár
Poster 19:
Magnetic excitations in the molecular magnets Pb3Cu3(PO4)4 and Ni4Mo12, Miroslav Georgiev [et al.]
Poster 10:
Forbidden synchronization clusters formed in numerical simulation of phase oscillators under common noise, Chen Gong [et al.]
Poster 21:
Dynamics of asymmetric interpersonal relations, driven by three selected mechanisms, Forough Hassanibesheli [et al.]
Poster 22:
Monomer density profiles for phantom ideal ring polymer chains in confined geometries, Joanna Hałun [et al.]
Poster 23:
Reaching Carnot's efficiency, Viktor Holubec [et al.]
Poster 24:
Analytic finite-size scaling functions in the anisotropic square-lattice Ising model with various boundary conditions, Fred Hucht [et al.]
Poster 25:
Quantum relaxation and metastability of lattice bosons with cavity-induced long-range interactions, Ferenc Iglói
Poster 26:
Entanglement between random and clean quantum spin chains, Róbert Juhász [et al.]
Poster 27:
Generic control of microscopic active particles with magnetic fields, Martin Kaiser [et al.]
Poster 28:
Corrections to finite-size scaling in the 3D Ising model based on non-perturbative approaches and Monte Carlo simulations, Jevgenijs Kaupužs
Poster 29:
Anomalous size effect of fracture strength due to fat-tailed micro-scale disorder, Viktória Kádár [et al.]
Poster 30:
A classical short-range spin model with phase transitions in one dimension: the Potts model with a negative number of invisible states, Ralph Kenna [et al.]
Poster 31:
Two order parameters for the Kuramoto model on complex networks, Yup Kim [et al.]
Poster 32:
Ising-type phase transitions in simple evolutionary coordination games, Balázs Király
Poster 33:
Percolation or jamming-what is first?, Grzegorz Kondrat [et al.]
Poster 34:
Many particle effects in generalized simple exclusion process, Miroslav Kotrla [et al.]
Poster 35:
Time evolution of the Wigner function for the generalized Schrödinger cat state, Damian Kołaczek [et al.]
Poster 36:
Ising model with a power-law spin length distribution on different graphs, Mariana Krasnytska [et al.]
Poster 37:
Who wins on conflicts?, Malgorzata Krawczyk [et al.]
Poster 38:
All balanced states are equally probable, Malgorzata Krawczyk [et al.]
Poster 39:
Ring polymer chains in a slit geometry of two parallel walls with Dirichlet-Neumann boundary conditions, Piotr Kuterba [et al.]
Poster 40:
Efficient search with Lévy flights emerges from locally optimal stochastic optimization, Łukasz Kuśmierz [et al.]
Poster 41:
Generalized XY model with geometrical frustration, Matus Lach [et al.]
Poster 42:
Vertical drying of a two-dimensional colloidal film containing rod-like particles: Monte Carlo simulations, Nikolai Lebovka [et al.]
Poster 43:
Driven Brownian motion of hard spheres in a one-dimensional periodic potential, Dominik Lips [et al.]
Poster 44:
Asymmetry of transition times of a tagged particle in driven Brownian motion of hard spheres, Dominik Lips [et al.]
Poster 45:
Glass transition induced by the spatially correlated stochastic dynamics, Maciej Majka
Poster 46:
Percolation thresholds for complex neighbourhoods in two-, three- and four-dimensionial space, Krzysztof Malarz
Poster 47:
Generalized (non-Markovian) FPK equations corresponding to nonlinear random differential equations excited by colored noise. Hänggi's ansatz revisited, Konstantinos Mamis [et al.]
Poster 48:
On the specific heat of BaVS3 at 68 K, Ferenc Márkus [et al.]
Poster 49:
Emerging long-period orbits and self-similarity in repulsively coupled classical oscillators, Hildegard Meyer-Ortmanns [et al.]
Poster 50:
Studying properties of microgels: from fuzzy to core-shell model, Elena Minina [et al.]
Poster 51:
Skyrmion phase in the frustrated Heisenberg antiferromagnet with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, Mariia Mohylna [et al.]
Poster 52:
Equal-time and lagged correlations in human electroencephalograms, Jeremi Ochab [et al.]
Poster 53:
Directional turning in models of flocking behaviours, Eoin Ó Laighléis [et al.]
Poster 54:
Fast and accurate detection of spread source in large complex networks, Robert Paluch [et al.]
Poster 55:
Scaling in the space-time of the Internet, Istvan Papp [et al.]
Poster 56:
Scaling laws of sub-critical fragmentation, Gergő Pál [et al.]
Poster 57:
Approximate reconstruction of heterogeneous microstructures using super-spheres, Ryszard Piasecki [et al.]
Poster 58:
Action of fractal brownian motion and Hamiltonian of chromatin, Kirill Polovnikov [et al.]
Poster 59:
The dynamics of polymers in active environments, Stefanie Put [et al.]
Poster 60:
Actin filaments growing against a fluctuating barrier with elastic properties, Raj Kumar Sadhu [et al.]
Poster 61:
Network analysis of Bylyny-Traditional East Slavic epic narratives, Petro Sarkanych [et al.]
Poster 62:
On the cross-over between diffusion-limited and reaction-limited particle systems, Dmytro Shapoval [et al.]
Poster 63:
Hydrodynamic ratchet: rectification of Brownan motion by inertial hydrodynamic effects, František Slanina
Poster 64:
A unification model for anomalous diffusion with finite moments, Oleksii Sliusarenko [et al.]
Poster 65:
Percolation properties of random sequential adsorption samples of large linear k-mers on a square lattice, Mikhail Slutskiy [et al.]
Poster 66:
Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality in the phase distributions of one-dimensional exciton-polaritons, Davide Squizzato [et al.]
Poster 67:
Series expansion method for the inhomogeneous exclusion process with application to mRNA translation, Juraj Szavits-Nossan [et al.]
Poster 68:
Think then act or act then think?, Katarzyna Sznajd-Weron [et al.]
Poster 69:
Structure formation in exponential networks with hard constraints, Mikhail Tamm
Poster 70:
Modified asymmetric exclusion process with internal particle states, Mikhail Tamm [et al.]
Poster 71:
Monte Carlo simulation of diffusion-driven self-assembly of rod-like particles: lattice approach, Yuri Tarasevich [et al.]
Poster 72:
Probing non-orthogonality of eigenvectors in non-Hermitian matrix models, Wojciech Tarnowski [et al.]
Poster 73:
New constant of motion for coevolving voter model, Joanna Toruniewska [et al.]
Poster 74:
Non-linear sigma model and Berry phase, Steffen Trimper
Poster 75:
Linear and ring polymer chains with the excluded volume interaction in confined geometries, Zoryana Usatenko [et al.]
Poster 76:
An improved radiation model and its applicability for understanding commuting patterns in the USA, Levente Varga [et al.]
Poster 77:
Vehicular motion on a hilly road, Hans Weber [et al.]
Poster 78:
Stochastic models of hyaluronic acid dynamics in a presence of phospholipids, Piotr Weber [et al.]
Poster 79:
Dimerization in the anisotropic bilinear-biquadratic Heisenberg model, Michael Weyrauch
Poster 80:
Phase-space dynamics of charge carriers in aperiodic potentials, Maciej Wołoszyn [et al.]
Poster 81:
Rényi entropy of the totally asymmetric exclusion process, Anthony Wood [et al.]
Poster 82:
Analytical structure of the effective potential and quantum criticality for imbalanced Fermi mixtures, Piotr Zdybel
Poster 83:
Pair approximation for the q-voter model with independence on complex networks, Arkadiusz Jędrzejewski
Poster 84:
Designing and controlling multistable dynamical systems: from theory to applications, Bulcsú Sándor [et al.]